We introduce a new 3D object detection method, named as Back-tracing Representative Points Network (BR-Net), which generatively back-traces representative points from the vote centers and revisits complementary seed points around these generated points, so as to better capture the fine local structural features surrounding the potential objects from the raw point clouds.
JC STEM Lab of MediaML @ HKU is founded in 2022. Our research focuses on endowing machines with the capability to perceive, understand, reconstruct, and interact with the visual world, with the following focuses:
label-efficient, transferrable and lifelong machine learning algorithms that are generalizable to various visual tasks
efficient compression techniques for visual data transmission
effective techniques for perceiving, interpreting and reasoning multi-modal (including vision, language, etc.) knowledge
learnable 3D models for extracting 3D semantics, inferring geometrical relationships, and rendering high-fidelity geometrical structures
deeply learned generative models for synthesizing or translating between multi-modal data.
JC STEM Lab of MediaML @ HKU is founded in 2022. Our research focuses on endowing machines with the capability to perceive, understand, reconstruct, and interact with the visual world, with the following focuses:
label-efficient, transferrable and lifelong machine learning algorithms that are generalizable to various visual tasks
efficient compression techniques for visual data transmission
effective techniques for perceiving, interpreting and reasoning multi-modal (including vision, language, etc.) knowledge
learnable 3D models for extracting 3D semantics, inferring geometrical relationships, and rendering high-fidelity geometrical structures
deeply learned generative models for synthesizing or translating between multi-modal data.
The JC STEM Lab of MediaML is run by Prof. Dong Xu (IEEE & IAPR Fellow, Clarivate Analytics 2018 Highly Cited Researcher in the field of Engineering, Receipt of T-MM 2014 Prize Paper Award and CVPR 2010 Best Student Paper Award [with the PhD students supervised by Prof. Xu]) at the University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.